The Facts – Crash course genocidal Israel

  1. There is a 130 year long record of religious Jewish opposition against the zionist scheme | Source Neturei Karta
  2. The sole one starting terrorism in the middle east is Israel, King David Bombing  July 1946, before any state of “Israel” was founded at all. | Source
  3. During the King David bombing, zionist terrorist organisations killed 91 people with a single bomb attack. So far the myths who started bombings | Source
  4. Israel committed over 77 massacres during the Nakba | Overview of all massacres
  5. The first massacre of the Nakba in Deir Yassin where zionist terror organisations behaved like nazi’s in WWII | Source | Video
  6. Deir Yassin is just one of the examples how Israel wipes of complete villages off the map of this very earth.  Every red dot on this map represents a vanished Palestinian town |Map
  7. Skipping some massacres, but this footage of Sabra & Shatilla could easily be mixed up for Holocaust footage | Photos | Documentary
  8. Holocaust comparisions do not make me happy, but this footage must be seen and please make up your own mind | Photos Hashoah vs Al-Nakba
  9. And before you jump into conclusions, this footage of Abu Ghraib style “trophy pictures” of Israel’s own soldiers says it all | Photos
  10. The Nakba, intended to ethnic cleanse Palestine for the sake of the greater Israel never ended. | Article by Alan Hart
  11. It goes on even today. In a continuous process of ethnic cleansing | Overview & resources
  12. Most people do not even have the slightest idea of the magnitude of the genocide on Palestine which killed est. 5.1 Million Palestinians since 1948 Research
  13. Genocide is committed in 2 ways: By direct violence or passively: by deprivation |Research by Dr. Gideon Polya
  14. The policies of Israel to deprive people are similar to those which cause the death of 1 in6 million, so 1 million Jewish people who died due to deliberate deprivation by the Nazi’s during world war 2. Yet, Israel is doing the same on Palestine. | More
  15. These deprivation policies are even proven for Israel went to Supreme Court to prevent documents about near starvation from leaking | Source
  16. Every mean possible is deployed by Israel to deprive cause illness and death while it keeps displaying a bodycount cause by direct aims and confirmed hits only. To be very clear: The alleged rockets from gaza have killed 21 Israeli in 11 years | SourceIsraelproject
  17. Israel inciting alleged threats of Gaza is hiding the facts about the myths about the home made flares | The Facts | The Footage
  18. Israel accusing Iran of being a so called nuclear threat was revuked before by the IAEA |Source Febr 2012
  19. Israel itself, is denying any investigation into it’s own nuclear arsenal which it’s possession it has been denying as in forever. While in Vanunu already exposed pictures of the Dimona nuclear weapon plant from 1985 | Footage
  20. Aside from this, US gave Israel, short before the Cast Lead Massacre 1000 GBU-39 bunker busters which it pounded indiscriminately on high dense urban areas of Gaza |Source
  21. In the soil of Gaza, 75 Tons of depleted uranium were found after the assault on Gaza |Report 1 | Report 2 | Report 3
  22. These weapons not only kill on impact, but while Israel folds it hands, kills on passively by causing cancer, increasingly as well | Report
  23. Which fits the zionist plan: “Shoot them, kill them, otherwise give them cancer” | Report
  24. If one gets inflicted by diseases like cancer: Deprive them of medical aid | Overview of facts of death due to deprivation of medical aid
  25. Or Israel kills by denying access to medical aid,  173 children died this way | Report
  26. 35 babies died (still births) before they could be born, because their mother was denied access to medical care, as well as 18.000 women a year develop complications during pregnancy due to restrictions of movement to medical aid facilities | Report, Facts, Resources and Video footage
  27. In a shocking  report of Israeli Physicians for Human Right it shows, that even inside 1948 (which is called Israel nowadays) people of Palestinian origin are severely infringed on their rights to medical assistance, treatments and even denied access. Causing high deathrates, less survival chances if inflicted by a terminal disease and even factor 4 to 5 reducing birthrate caused by racist policies | Report by PHR Israel
  28. Dialysis supplies, which cost about 29 dollar per treatment are prohibited from entering or delayed, causing continuously over 400 lives to be in danger, making the ill hostage of deliberate politics | Facts, Resources, Footage
  29. Cancer and Thallasamia patients neither have medications | Facts & Footage
  30. May 19, 2012:  204 types of medication and 218 types of medical consumables are depleted. 200 others are on their way to depletion. Because the siege on Gaza | Source
  31. While UN is celebrating “Long and healthy Lives” achievements, Israel prevents entry of vaccines, which is an obligation of UNRWA in Gaza for the refugees who also lack action or use of their mandate, putting Gaza’s children at vunerable ages at risks aside those they already are exposed to by all other factors | Facts
  32. Like water pollution: Only 5% of Gaza’s water is fit for human consumption. Supplies for aquifiers are prohibited from entering, causing water born diseases, blue baby syndrome, pollution and environmental damage. | Facts, footage, resources
  33. March 5, 2012 Again dams are flooded deliberately | Report
  34. “Access to safe water is a  fundamental human need and therefore a basic  human right.” ~ Kofi Annan | Website RighttoWater, legal resources, reports, research
  35. Israel steals 85% of Palestine’s water | Facts
  36. Israel if not stealing or destroying poisons water wells, flooding sewage or even directly poisoning orchards deliberately | Report
  37. Israel cuts electricity supplies, fuel, causing a severe crisis and blackouts sometimes over 18 hours a day. Directly targeting all which is functioning on electricity as well like dialysis machines, Intensive care and heart units, nurseries,  and at the moment even endangering the ability to do surgeries | Report by UN
  38. Electricity cuts also prevent aquifiers to work, sewerage and waterpumps, violating human rights but also endangering health | Report by Muftah
  39. May 24, 2012: Even emergency rooms in Gaza now face dangerous situations and shut down | Report
  40. While it slained 1500 people, of which 352 children only during 1 of the many massacre Operation Cast Lead on Gaza in 2008-2009, during 22 days | Photos | Videos | More
  41. With not only “traditional” ammunition launched by tanks, naval vessels, drones, F16′s but also previously mentioned Nuclear as well as chemical weaponry like white phosphorus which is forbidden by law | Report
  42. Israel deploys 24 hours a day drones and has an enhanced remote killing technology  called ” Spot and Shoot ” | Report
  43. With which it commits extra judicial killings in Gaza, turning the open air prison not only into a concentration camp but effectively into an extermination camp as well | Report 1 |Report 2 | Report 3
  44. Over 825 people have been killed this way by drones only,  in the last 5 years in Gaza |Report
  45. Snipers at the Gaza border shoot at over 1 mile range people working on their lands to death. Seems to be more for fun than danger | Report
  46. An example: This is 17yr old mentally disabled Khames, he was shot by snipers 10 times in head and upperbody | Case study
  47. Already in 2004 doctors in Gaza cried out to this world about the shocking rise of deaths by snipers who are merely hunting kids | Report 2004
  48. Not only in Gaza, in the west bank as well: A sniper shoots a 4 year old girl and paralyses her, she died earlier this year of wounds and complications | Report
  49. Or are hunted to death in a chase: An example: A healthy 30 year old worker chased to death | Report
  50. Or wounded, are refused treatment, and dumped by the army aside of a road, where one man died  this way | Report
  51. People are abducted and vanishing for Israel’s organ trade, sometimes corpses returned with missing bodyparts | Report
  52. Hit and Run Attacks. Cars used to kill. Or to disable. Hence even people in wheelchairs are ran over. None of the attackers has been punished for murder . Yet one of the attacks received an award | Overview 
  53. Prisoners are deliberately neglected and refused medical aid. As extermination tool |Report
  54. Israel uses over 105 torture techniques since 1967 resulting in at least 66 documented cases of torture deaths | Report
  55. Israel deliberately wounds and kills unarmed civilians with riot dispersal gear (tear gas, rubber bullets etc) in illegal ways causing death like Mustafa Tamimi | Overview, facts
  56. Israel arms settlers which caused an increase of racist induced settler violence wounded and deaths | Report
  57. Israel inciting so called dangers from Palestinians, it violent every day In the first 3 months of 2012, over 1000 attacks on Palestinians | Overview Jan – Mar 2012
  58. Not only killing inside Palestine, also those who want to visit it. Like the Mavi Marmara Massacre: 9 deaths | Overview, Footage, Facts

This list can go on for ever for in over 60 years, there still has not come an end to this genocide.

Original Article here

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